Cardiac Stenting

Cardiac StentingMany patients who have angioplasty also have stent implantation. A stent is a small, latticed, metal scaffold that is introduced into your blood vessel on a balloon catheter. The doctor will decide whether to choose a metallic stent of a drug eluting stent, depending on the location and condition of the narrowing in your coronary artery.

How do I prepare for the procedure?

  • Do not eat or drink anything for 8 hours prior to your appointment time.

How is the procedure performed?

Cardiac catheterization is usually performed in a hospital. A mild sedative is given to keep you comfortable during the procedure. A thin tube called a catheter is inserted into a blood vessel in the arm, groin or neck area and then guided to the heart.

The doctor maneuvers the catheter into the blocked artery and inflates the balloon. The stent expands against the vessel wall as the balloon is inflated. Once the balloon has been deflated and withdrawn, the stent stays in place permanently, holding the blood vessel open and improving blood flow.

It is a safe procedure with little to no pain and a low risk of complications.

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